Gulf Air (GF) uses multiple distribution channels for its fares, cargo, and ancillary products to cover the widest reach and provide convenience to potential passengers. This process entails allowing travel agents around the world access to GF’s inventory through multiple Global Distribution Systems (GDS). The nature of this open exposure to GF’s inventory imposes risks of abuse and causes large revenue losses. Accordingly, these Procedures and Guidelines list and define the revenue violations that Gulf Air will inspect for, and issue ADM against.
In line with IATA resolution number 850m addressing the issuing and processing principles of the Agency Debit Memos (ADMs) and, IATA resolution number 830a addressing the consequences of violation of ticketing and reservation procedures, and IATA resolution number IATA 824 listing the passenger sales agency agreement terms and conditions, GF hereby issues this ADM Procedures and Guidelines to list and define the revenue violations that will be inspected and charged by ADMs
a) For BSP Agents, an ADM is issued through the Bank Settlement Plan (BSP) link:
Different violations (Fare, Tax & Refund Violations) are inspected by GF and consequently ADMs are issued. These violations include, but are not limited to;
GF Reserves the right to reduce the minimum value for raising an ADM in case of frequent under-payments by an agent, or established conditions where abuse or neglect is obvious.
GF reserves the right to make changes to this policy. In such case, the changes will be published on GF’s public portal and the BSP link.
This ADM Procedures and Guidelines applies on IATA and non-IATA agents.
A non-refundable, non-reversible administrative fee of USD 15 will be imposed per ADM.
GF will allow the agents 15 calendar day grace period to review the documentation. Then ADM is automatically confirmed in case of no reply.
BSP and non-BSP Agents must justify and provide proper supporting documents when disputing an ADM.
Any unjustifiable or unclear dispute reason submitted will be rejected by GF. If any further clarifications or details related to the issued ADM are required, the Agents may contact their respective GF Local Office.
The above Procedures and Guidelines are effective from 1st April 2019.
Please action accordingly and advise all under your control.
Gulf Air permit amendments to titles (e.g. Mr to Mrs) and name corrections due to genuine spelling mistakes (up to 3 characters). Such changes are free of charge.
The count of 3 characters is a combined total and should not be understood as 3 characters each for the first, middle and last name.